Safety Tips for Fall Camping

Safety Tips for Fall Camping


Camping, in general, is an excellent way to get in touch with nature, have fun with your friends and family and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. All of that becomes even better during the fall season. Camping during fall is a liberating experience as you get to experience the cold winds, the crunchy leaves, and of course, fewer bugs. 

However, you need to have a few things in mind before you head out on your camping adventure. With fall comes more safety tips and ways to keep yourself secure. Keep reading to find out how you can have the most amazing fall camping experience. 

  • Be Active 

When you go camping in the fall, make sure that you are always being active. Be it canoeing, fishing, swimming, or any other camping activity make sure to keep yourself occupied and keep your body warm while you enjoy the fall weather. Stay active and have hearty meals while you are camping in autumn. 

  • Weather 

While fall is one of the most well-loved seasons out there, the weather tends to change quite frequently during the season. Before you decide to trail out and have a camp, ensure you are up to date on the weather forecast for not only the particular day you want to go camping but for that whole week. 

  • Cold-Weather Sleeping Bag 

No one likes to be shivering in the cold when you are trying to sleep. To avoid this, make sure to bring a sleeping bag that can withstand temperatures lower than you expect them to be. For fall, mummy sleeping bags are the best bet as they cling to your body and keep you warmer, they come with a hood to cover your head as well. Alternatively, you can use two sleeping bags as well. 

  • Sleeping Pads 

Sleeping pads are essential when it comes to going camping in the fall. It is all about heat retention and sleeping pads keep the cold from the ground from getting to your body. You should invest in a closed-cell pad and even layer it up with another foam pad if necessary. 

  • Clothing 

The next thing you can do to keep yourself warm while camping during fall is to get layers of clothing with you. Now, this does not mean that you have to over-pack, but just have essentials like thermal wear, a fleece jacket, winter caps, gloves, boots, poncho, or whatever item of clothing you have to keep yourself warm. 

  • Firewood 

It can be difficult to find dry firewood during the fall season. Campgrounds provide firewood if you plan on having a bonfire, cooking, or other activities. Of course, make sure that your campsite has no restrictions on lighting your own fire. 

  • Carbs and Fats 

Carbs and fats not only give your energy but also keep you warm. Any foods such as meat, cheese, avocado, nuts, etc. are items you should stock up on. Do not worry about eating too much of it because all the outdoor activities will help you burn calories. Remember it is important to keep yourself warm and stay nourished and hydrated. 

  • Headlamp 

Since days start to get shorter in the Fall, you may need extra light to look around you and not get lost. Hence, it is a great idea to get a headlamp for the night-time, especially if you plan to do any activities such as hiking or walking around at night. 

Ready for your next camping adventure? Campark Resorts have the most luxurious, fun-filled, and adventurous camping experience in Niagara Falls. Be it tent sites, RVs, or cabins, we have got it all. With amenities such as an bouncy pillow, mini putt, and much more, we have something for everyone. Get your camping boots and come along for a once-in-a-lifetime camping experience!